University of Maryland School of Nursing Articulation & Course Schedules
University of Maryland School of Nursing Articulation & Course Schedules
Because of the strict requirements of the nursing program, students must start planning their course schedules early in the first year. Information sessions covering the 3:2 program with the University of Maryland School of Nursing are offered during New Student Orientation. You may choose from two majors when preparing for articulation.
Prerequisite Courses for the University of Maryland School of Nursing
BIO 111 & BIO 112. General Biology (w/lab)
BIO 203. Microbiology (w/lab)
BIO 301. Integrative Human Anatomy (w/lab)
BIO 424. Integrative Human Physiology (w/lab)
CHE 120. Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules (w/lab)
PHS 194. Nutrition
MAT 109 or PSY 209. Statistics
Mathematics (Any college math course, but not a computer science course.)
ENG 101. Literature and Composition
ENG 200-level.
PSY 111 or PSY 112. General Psychology
PSY 202. Life-span Development
SOC 101. Intro to Sociology
Social Sciences Elective. One course from the following: Anthropology, Economics, History, International Studies, Political Science, or another course in Psychology or Sociology
Humanities Electives. Three courses from the following (from at least two different departments): English, Philosophy, Art, Music, Theatre, Dance, Religion, or Foreign Languages
Open Electives. Two additional courses.
Articulation depends on a student’s completion of at least 96 credit hours, including all Washington College requirements and the following courses for either a Biology or Psychology major.
Major Requirements
For a Major in Biology:
BIO 111 & BIO 112. General Biology (w/lab)
BIO 203. Microbiology (w/lab)
BIO 301. Integrative Human Anatomy (w/lab)
BIO 424. Integrative Human Physiology (w/lab)
One course from Category I, II, or III (see Biology Description in Catalog). Immunology or Genetics is recommended
One course from Category I, II, III, IV, or V.
CHE 120. Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules
CHE 140. Reactions of Organic Molecules
CHE 220. Quantitative Chemical Analysis
MAT 111. Differential Calculus OR MAT 106 and MAT 107. Stretch Differential Calculus I and IU
Major in Biology Course Timing PDF
For a Major in Psychology:
PSY 111 & 112. General Psychology
PSY 209. Statistics and Research Design I+
PSY 309. Statistics and Research Design II+
PSY 202. Life-span Development
Applied/Clinical Requirement (Options: PSY 233, 234, 304, 313*, 320*, 333, 433*, 410*: Human Neuropsychology)*
Biological Requirement (Options: PSY 210*, 305*, 317*, 410*)*
+ Course has a lab component
* One of these courses (either the Applied/Clinical or the Biological) must have a lab component.
The following are the Grade Point Average Requirements for articulation to the UMSON:
Overall GPA of 3.25 for courses taken at Washington College, with no grade below C in a prerequisite course
Minimum GPA of 3.0 in science courses.
Courses taken on a “pass/fail” basis will not be accepted by UMSON.
Washington College Pre-Health Professions Students: Please send your email address to pticknor2FREEwashcoll to receive an invitation to be added to the Pre-health Professions Programs Canvas advising site.