Common Pre-Nursing Prerequisites
In order to prepare yourself to apply for health professions degree in nursing you can major in any discipline as long as you complete the following courses. You should work with the Pre-Nursing Program Advisor to plan your pre-nursing prerequisite coursework and to make sure you cover the specific courses required by programs for which you will specifically apply.
BIO 111, 112 General Biology (w/lab)
BIO 301, 424 Integrative Human Anatomy and Physiology (w/lab)
BIO 203 Microbiology (w/lab)
CHE 120 Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules (w/lab)
MAT 109/PSY 209/ECN 215 Statistics
MAT 111 Differential Calculus
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
PSY 111 or 112 General Psychology
PSY 202 Life-Span Development
ENG 101 Literature and Composition
PHS 194 Nutrition
Additional Possible Prerequisite Courses: Speech and Ethics.
Grades lower than a C are not accepted by Nursing Schools. (C- grades are not accepted)
Washington College Pre-Health Professions Students: Please send your email address to pticknor2FREEwashcoll to receive an invitation to be added to the Pre-health Professions Programs Canvas advising site and Pre-Nursing email list.