Student Health Policies
Students needing regular, ongoing, or intensive support will be referred to local providers for additional clinical support.
During times when classes are not in session, students should seek support from the following resources:
911 for Emergencies (9-911 from a campus phone)
- University of Maryland Shore Medical Center at Chestertown: 410-778-3300
For All Seasons Behavioral Health Hot Line (24/7): 1-800-310-7273
Chester River Behavioral Health & Wellness: 410-778-5550 (Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–7 p.m.)
Sante Eastern Shore Mobile Crisis Team (24/7): 1-888-407-8018
Office of Public Safety (who will refer you for support): 410-778-7810
Mantra Telehealth
Health Insurance
Washington College requires that all students have health insurance. The College offers a health insurance plan with a limited amount of coverage for accidents and sickness. All international students are required to purchase health insurance through Washington College. For more information about these insurance policies, contact Vickie Anderson in the Health Center (ext. 7261).
Student Responsibilities for Receiving Clinical Services
The Health Services staff will not write notes or excuse students from academic obligations but may recommend what is in the student’s best interest regarding health and class attendance. At the first signs of illness, students should call the Health Center early in the day so an assessment can be made and treatment given.
Class Attendance and Illness Policy
The Health Services staff will not write notes or excuse students from academic obligations, but may recommend what is in the student’s best interest regarding health and class attendance. At the first signs of illness, students should call or visit the Health Center early so an assessment can be made and treatment given.
A Class Missed Due to Illness
If a student is absent from class due to minor illness for a day or two, the student is responsible for informing professors of the illness and making arrangements for missed work.
If a student has a serious medical problem and must miss three to five days of classes or more, the student should call Health Services to inform the staff about the problem. If appropriate, Health Services will notify the Provost’s office of the anticipated length of the illness and absence. If an off-campus health care provider is involved, the student may be required to arrange that Health Services be provided with written verification from the provider.
As soon as the student is recovered, they should meet with each professor to make arrangements for missed work.
Please note that the Health Service staff will not notify the Associate Provost’s office unless the student arranges for documentation from an appropriate health care provider that the illness requires she or he to miss more than three consecutive days of classes.
Leave of Absence and Withdrawal Procedures
A student may find it necessary to take a leave of absence for conditions such as an extended illness, unexpected emergency surgery, mental health crisis, or injury. Students should contact Health Services or Counseling Services as soon as possible to request a leave. Students on leave will be mailed a form to be completed and returned by the health care provider who is treating the student for the health issue related to the need for medical leave. The form and guidelines for its completion are also available on the Health Service website at
Leave of Absence
Students may take a temporary leave of absence from the College during the semester when medical or personal emergency circumstances require that they be away from campus for more than five days.
Medical Leave of Absence
A medical leave of absence is typically granted when a student needs to be off campus for more than five consecutive days in order to deal with a significant medical condition. The student must consult with Health Services or Counseling Services about the problem that necessitates the leave. Health or Counseling Services (H&C) will recommend whether a student qualifies for a medical leave.
If approved, Health and Counseling will advise the student, the Provost’s Office and the Office of Student Affairs about the student’s leave and will advise all parties about the requirements for the student’s return to campus.
The Provost's Office maintains the approved leave documentation and communicates its details to Student Affairs, the student's faculty members, and the student’s advisor(s). A student on a medical leave of absence may not return to classes, reside on campus, participate in student social life or other campus activities, or use Washington College facilities, until Health or Counseling Services has approved their return.
The student is still expected to contact their professors as soon as possible to discuss making up missed work aligned with professors' course policies as articulated in their syllabi. When discussing missing work and deadlines, faculty members should make a good-faith effort to allow students to reasonably make up work whenever possible or complete alternative assignments.
Illnesses or other health problems that require less than five consecutive days off campus do not qualify as a medical leave of absence and in those cases, the student is expected to notify their faculty members if they will be missing class to discuss making up missed work.
Other Leaves of Absence
A student who requires a leave for other reasons (i.e., personal emergency circumstances or bereavement) the student must contact the Provost’s Office to discuss the leave request. If approved, the Provost’s Office will advise the student and the Office of Student Affairs about the student’s leave and will advise all parties about when the student is expected to return to campus. The Provost's Office maintains the approved leave documentation and communicates its details to Student Affairs, the student's faculty members, and the student’s advisor(s).
The student is still expected to contact their professors as soon as possible to discuss making up missed work aligned with professors' course policies as articulated in their syllabi. When discussing missing work and deadlines, faculty members should make a good-faith effort to allow students to reasonably make up work whenever possible or complete alternative assignments.
Title IX Remedy
If a student must be absent from class as a result of a remedy connected to an involvement in a Title IX case, this will be confirmed by the Title IX Coordinator and communicated to the Provost’s Office, which will notify faculty about the student’s absence.
Length and Terms of a Leave of Absence
A leave of absence is usually granted for up to two weeks (14 calendar days). If the student has not been approved by Health and Counseling to return after 14 days OR if the student requests an additional leave at another time during the semester, the Provost’s Office reviews the student’s situation, consulting with Health Services or Counseling Services when appropriate, to determine whether the student’s leave should be extended or an additional leave approved. Depending upon the situation, students who are not ready to return after 14 days may be advised to withdraw from the College for that semester. In these cases, the withdrawal is retroactive to the last day the student attended classes and is indicated on the student’s transcript by grades of “W” in all courses in which the student was enrolled that semester.
If a student is not in good social or academic standing when they take a leave of absence or withdraw for any reason, their reinstatement of enrollment or readmission may be conditional, pending the resolution of any alleged academic or social violations of the Honor Code.
Mandatory Leave (ML)
If, as a result of an illness or condition, a student poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others, is unable to successfully participate in the educational programs offered by the College, or substantially disrupts the ability of others to fully participate in the educational opportunities offered by the College, the College may:
- remove a student from the residence halls;
- remove a student from classes;
- require conditions for continued enrollment; and/or
- require a mandatory leave (ML). Such leaves may be short term, such as temporary hospitalization, or long term, such as a withdrawal for the remainder of the semester or longer.
The College will apply this policy in a nondiscriminatory manner based on a student’s conduct, actions, and statements, not merely on knowledge, belief or perception that a student is an individual with a disability or a physical or mental health condition. Determinations are based on individualized risk assessments based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge or the best available objective information. Mandatory leave is reserved for situations in which risks cannot be mitigated by other measures.
The Behavioral Concerns Team
The Interim Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator, Director of Counseling Services, Director of Health Services, and Director of Disability Services are members of the Behavioral Concerns Team (BCT) that coordinates the College’s responses to students exhibiting behaviors that indicate distress, cause a disturbance in the community, and/or present a danger to others. Committed to proactive, early intervention, the BCT may recommend a behavioral contract to include compliance with a medical treatment plan, regular consultations with health care professionals, meetings with administrators, disclosure of relevant medical records and information, and/or restrictions on participation in residential housing or other activities. The behavioral contract may also require a reduction of the conduct at issue sufficient to enable safe participation in the campus community. In appropriate cases, a student’s failure or refusal to satisfy the conditions of a behavioral contract can be grounds for the BCT to review the case for additional action.
Process for Appealing a Mandatory Medical Leave
The Interim Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator (or designee) will notify the student that a mandatory leave (ML) is under consideration and arrange for the student to meet with available members of the BCT and to present medical information or other evidence. The student will be provided with a copy of this policy. The BCT will reach a decision and notify the student in writing. If the BCT decision is to require a ML, the student may appeal this decision and/or any conditions established for return to the College by sending a written request to the Interim Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator within two business days explaining why the student believes the BCT decision is unwarranted. The Vice President for Student Affairs or designee will make the final decision regarding the appeal within 48 hours and notify the student in writing.
Returning from Mandatory Medical Leave
The BCT may establish conditions for return from a ML such as examination by appropriate health care providers, release of relevant medical records, evidence of compliance with treatment plans, and interviews with College officials.
Prior to returning to campus, a student placed on ML must request permission to return and provide the appropriate documentation to the College Health or Counseling Services demonstrating that he or she has met any conditions imposed by the College. The Director of Health or Counseling will make a recommendation to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs. The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or designee will make the final decision and notify the student in writing.
Emergency Interim Withdrawal
If a student’s behavior poses a significant risk of causing serious and imminent harm or of directly and substantially interfering with the activities of others, the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee) may administratively remove the student pending review by the BCT. In cases of Emergency Interim Withdrawal, it may be necessary for students to leave campus before the BCT convenes. In these cases, the Director of Health or Counseling may evaluate the student to make a determination of level of risk; and/or distress. This assessment is made using the evaluative instrument that is completed by all students accessing counseling and/or health services. The student has a right to appeal the Emergency Interim Withdrawal following the same process for appealing a ML.
Maintenance of Your Records
The BCT is the custodian of reports from the community about students. The BCT ensures that all reports are housed in the College’s ADVOCATE database, where core members have limited access to the files. As reports are received, they are reviewed by the BCT and may be edited to ensure appropriate content. Access to and disclosure of these records (including incident narrative, supporting documentation, and notes and records of interventions) included in ADVOCATE is governed by FERPA and/or Maryland medical records laws.