Faculty Expertise

Throughout your time at Washington College, you will work with faculty in classes, lab and field work, internships, and more. Faculty serve as teachers and mentors, and as advisors for your Senior Capstone Experience (SCE). Explore the research interests of our faculty below.  

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Faculty


Mindy Reynolds headshot

Mindy Reynolds

Co-Director of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program

Alonzo G. and Virginia Gent Decker Professor of Biology 

Areas of Expertise

Metal Compounds


My wet-bench research is focused on chronic exposure to metal compounds, such as nickel, cobalt, and cadmium. Exposure to these metals has long been known to increase cancer incidence but the mechanisms by which they induce cancer are not well understood. My lab examines cytotoxicity and genotoxicity following co-exposure to these metals. To understand these processes, we use molecular and genetic approaches in a human cell culture model. Altogether, our improved understanding of the mechanisms of DNA damage and toxicity will enhance our knowledge in the development of cancer.

View Dr. Reynolds' Profile

Daniel May headshot

Daniel May

Co-Director of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Areas of Expertise

Natural Product Chemistry


My research is in the interdisciplinary field of natural product research. Students in my lab combine techniques from biology, chemistry, and biochemistry to discover new antibiotics from microbes found in the environment. Our goal is to find antibiotics that can be used to protect both pollinator and human health. 

View Dr. May's Profile

Jennifer Wanat Headshot

Jennifer Wanat

Associate Professor of Biology

Areas of Expertise

Molecular Genetics and Cellular Aging


Students in my lab study how telomeres, the specialized structures at the ends of linear chromosomes, affect cellular senescence and aging. We are also collaborating with ecologists on a project exploring the connection between land use (urban, agricultural, forested) surrounding salamander habitat and salamander health (infectious disease incidence and metabolism differences). 

View Dr. Wanat's Profile