Student Opportunities
Opportunities available to students through the Institute of Religion, Politics, and Culture at Washington College.

Cincinnatus Scholarship
Named in honor of the College’s namesake General Washington, who has been called the American Cincinnatus, the Cincinnatus Scholarship of IRPC confers on an entering student a 4 year scholarship of $2,500 per year, plus a $5,000 grant that the Cincinnatus Scholar uses toward participation in any of IRPC’s distinctive programs, including the summer on-line courses or our international programs.
Student Research Fellowships
IRPC administers annually the following Student Research Fellowships:

The Roy Ans Research Fellowship
The Roy Ans Fellowship in Jewish-American Studies offers a $2,500 stipend for a student completing a research project related to the Jewish-American experience. The fellowship is made possible by the generous support of Roy P. Ans '63 and Nan Susan Ans.
Students receiving this grant may register for an independent study course to receive academic credit, or use the opportunity for independent research.

The Jacob Marberger Fellowship
Named in honor of the brilliant Washington College student Jacob Marberger, this $2,500 grant for student research affords the award winner the opportunity to conduct research on any aspect of conflict resolution, broadly defined.