Academic Requirements
European Studies is an interdisciplinary minor of 24 credits.
- Completion of two of the following introductory courses, preferably taken during the
first two years at WAC:
- ANT 105: Introduction to Anthropology
- ECN 111: Introduction to Macroeconomics
- HIS 203, 204, 205, or 206
- POL 104: Introduction to World Politics
- Students may substitute other introductory level courses that pertain to their region with approval from the minor director.
- Study of a European language (in fulfillment of the college-wide language requirement or beyond): French, German, Spanish (or another European language abroad).
- Study abroad for at least one semester (preferred) or in an approved short-term abroad program in Europe. The options for semester-long study include WAC programs in England, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Scotland, and Spain.
- Completion of four upper (300 and 400)-level courses related to Europe, beyond the study of language. Two courses must be completed at Washington College (see recommended courses listed below) and two courses abroad. Alternatively, participation in non-Washington College programs or a Washington College short-term abroad program (such as a summer or winter break program) plus one additional course at Washington College may substitute for two courses abroad, with approval of the minor director.
- By the middle of the final semester at Washington College, provide evidence of completion of a research-based paper on a topic relating to Europe, to be approved by the minor director. Students are free to use a paper written for one of the courses taken for the minor or their SCE to fulfill this requirement.
Pre-Approved Courses for the Minor*:
* Additional courses – such as special topics courses, and those taken off-campus – also may be counted with approval from the minor director.
- ART 310. Art and Nature in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
- ART 312. Depicting Difference in Medieval and Early Modern Art
- ART 318. Romanticism to Post-Impressionism
- ENG 301. Chaucer
- ENG 310. The Renaissance
- ENG 311. The Seventeenth Century
- ENG 312. Renaissance Drama
- ENG 321. Romanticism
- ENG 322. The Victorian Age
- ENG 323. Nineteenth Century English Novel
- ENG 332. Modern and Contemporary British Literature
- ENG 333. James Joyce
- ENG 334. The Irish Short Story
- HIS 350. Empire and Papacy: Medieval Germany and Italy
- HIS 351. Ancient Rome
- HIS 352. Castles, Cloisters, Cathedrals, and Mosques
- HIS 354. Renaissance and Reformation
- HIS 355. Women in Medieval Europe
- HIS 360. Modern Germany
- HIS 391, 392. Russia and the Soviet Union
- ILC 305. European Cinema
- ILC 306. French Literature in Translation
- ILC/FRS 311. Contemporary France
- ILC/GRS 313. Berlin: Symphony of a Great City
- ILC/GRS 315. Minorities and Migration in Germany
- ILC/GRS 317. German Cinema
- MUS 327. Music, Ritual, and Early Christianity
- POL 344. Comparative Government: Western Europe
In addition, many courses that count toward the minor are taught in the French, German, and Spanish languages. Special Topics courses dealing with Europe also are frequently offered at Washington College, and may be counted toward the two-course requirement.
European Studies minors may apply for funds to offset the cost of study abroad from the Margaret R. Bennett Fund for International Studies.
If completing a project in the humanities, minors may also apply for the Gerda Blumenthal Phi Beta Kappa Award.