Office of Information Technologies
The Office of Information Technologies (OIT) is Washington College’s Central IT organization. OIT advocates for information technologies that foster and support the enduring values of Washington College by providing technologies that enhance the learning and teaching experience and empower communications for the community. Some of what we do:
- Provide guidance in the development of IT standards and policies that facilitate and govern the College’s access and use of IT resources.
- IT Infrastructure, building and maintaining IT services, including email, Wi-Fi, networking, authentication, telecommunications, and other IT systems that the community depends upon.
- Enterprise Applications, maintaining the College’s database of records for financial information, human resources, donors and students.
- IT Acquisitions, purchasing all College-owned computers, mobile devices, and all other IT-related hardware and supplies.
Responsive, professional IT services result in the campus community’s ability to access and use information technology effectively. To learn more about OIT services, visit our website at
Authentication Service
The authentication service provides password security for email accounts, Wi-Fi, and other networked IT services. Do not give your Washington College UserID or password to anyone. The Washington College OIT, including the email administrators or anyone affiliated with management of your UserID, password, and accounts do not send emails asking for your password.
Password and account management for your Washington College UserID that enables access to email, Wi-Fi, network, and other IT resources is done through the Washington College Account Self-Service website: Be sure to complete the steps necessary to set up your account so you can complete password recovery if you forget your password.
Please do not fall for scam emails that appear to be from Washington College webmail administrators asking for your UserID, password or other personal information. These emails, referred to as phishing, are illegal attempts to acquire sensitive information such as your UserID and password. They are designed to look convincing but no legitimate business or government agency will ever ask you to provide password and personal information in an email.
If you believe that your UserID/password combination has been compromised, change your password. If you are ever in doubt about an email that appears to be from a Washington College department, please contact the HelpDesk (ext. 7777, or 410-778-7777 from off campus or using a cell phone). You can also email the HelpDesk at helpdeskFREEwashcoll.
WC-Wireless Wi-Fi and Ethernet Network Service
Ethernet and WC-Wireless Wi-Fi network access are available in each dormitory room. Because Wi-Fi coverage is a shared network medium and it is subject to interference and performance issues during high use, if your computing device has an Ethernet port, utilize the in-room Ethernet jack to connect for improved connection reliability and speed.
Network access control is provided by captive portal for both the Ethernet and Wi-Fi services. Connect and use your Washington College UserID and Password to login. If you need additional assistance using this service, contact the HelpDesk by telephone (ext. 7777, or 410-778-7777 from off campus or using a cell phone). You can also email the HelpDesk at helpdeskFREEwashcoll.
Additional information may be found at
Campus Telephone Service
Policy on Release of Telephone Numbers, Campus Directory Information, and 1-800 Numbers
The College strives to protect students’ safety and privacy. It is against College policy for anyone in the College community to distribute a student’s telephone number, room assignment, or personal information to any outside entity. An outside entity includes anyone who is not a verified employee of Washington College. While a student can choose to share his or her personal information, students may not share someone else’s (another student’s) personal information. Only current employees of Washington College can receive this information.
The information in the Washington College Campus Directory is for internal use only. It is against Washington College policy to distribute the directory off campus or to share its content with anyone other than a current employee of Washington College.
The College’s incoming 1-800 number is not for faculty, student, or staff personal use. Neither the Switchboard nor other campus offices will transfer calls from the 1-800 line to a student’s room extension.
Computer-Related Policies
The general nature of a network is an open access, high-speed connection to the world through the use of technology. Because of the capabilities that result from such a powerful tool, users of the Washington College Network should be aware of several policies. The purpose of these policies is to preserve the integrity and accessibility of our network communications. Infractions of these policies and guidelines must be reported to the Office of Information Technologies’ (OIT) Chief Information Officer for investigation and referral to appropriate departments in the College. The OIT website directs users to the College’s network policies and guidelines that apply to all users of the College’s IT Resources, including all web and information servers operating on the Washington College Network. Any questions or concerns about these policies and guidelines should be addressed to the Library and Information Technology HelpDesk at ext. 7777. Policies posted on the OIT website are considered an integral part of the Student Handbook.
Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technologies Resources
The College provides its network, computing facilities, information databases, and campus-wide information system in support of its academic mission and its administrative functions.
Within this document, Washington College Information Technologies Resources (“WC IT Resources”) include (but are not limited to): all computer systems and software, interconnecting communications lines and hardware that are the property of Washington College, hardware that is privately owned when it is connected to the WC voice and/or data networks, all Internet Protocol (IP) addresses that are in the Washington College domain, the server computers and network systems, and voice and data networks provided by the College. Also included are the hardware and software associated with these systems and the information managed by these systems.
Approved uses of the WC IT Resources include (but are not limited to) educational applications, authorized electronic communications, administrative information exchange, presentation and promotion of the College to external audiences, research, faculty/staff professional development, and College- sponsored community outreach.
The following guidelines apply to ALL users of the WC IT Resources, including ALL the Web and information servers operating on the Washington College Network. Infractions of these guidelines are to be reported to the Chief Information Officer for investigation and referral to the appropriate department of the College. If there is an immediate threat, for example, someone stalking or harassing by email or other technological means, or threat of harm or violence, contact Public Safety immediately.
User Guidelines and Policies
Use of WC IT Resources is a privilege, not a right. The WC IT Resources may not be used in any manner prohibited by federal, state, or local law or disallowed by licenses, contracts, or College regulations, including (but not limited to) general College policies contained in the Faculty Handbook, the Student Handbook, and the Staff Handbook.
Legitimate use of WC IT Resources is limited to those persons who have all of the following: proper authorization, a UserID, and a valid password to use the resources. Authorization to use any WC IT Resource is granted by the owner of the particular resource. Use of WC IT Resources is further limited by restrictions set forth in College policy. Legitimate use does not extend to whatever an individual is capable of doing with a College IT resource. Although some rules are built into the system itself, those restrictions cannot limit completely what an individual can do or can see. In any event, each member of the community is responsible for his/her actions, regardless of whether specific rules are built in, or whether the rules can be circumvented.
Academic or administrative use of WC IT Resources always takes precedence over recreational and non- institutional use.
Washington College email is the property of the College. There should be no expectation of complete email privacy. Administrators will have access to an email account in the event of a legal subpoena, if an employee is terminated for cause, or for investigations of misconduct. Supervisors may request access, from the CIO or designee, to an employee's email if the employee is on an extended absence as determined by Human Resources. For confidentiality and personal privacy reasons, personal email should be conducted on an outside account.
Members of the College community, as defined in the College’s email policy, are expected to follow certain principles of behavior in making use of WC IT Resources. In particular, they are to respect and to observe policies and procedures governing the Resources.