Funding Opportunities

Washington College faculty has access several sources of internal funding to support research, teaching, and other co-curricular activites. 


Grant/Award Amount Available for Deadline Contact
Curricular Innovation* $2,500 ($2,000 stipend, $500 for materials) To develop new courses or revamp existing courses.

Mid-September for Spring

Mid-February for Summer/Fall

Office of the Dean and Provost
Faculty Enhancement* (General) $3,000 ($4,000 for International Travel) To defray expenses for scholarly projects or the gathering of materials for the development of new courses or the significant revision of existing courses

Mid-September for Spring

Mid-February for Summer/Fall

Office of the Dean and the Provost
Faculty-Student Summer Collaborations in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

$7500, $10,000, or $12,000 maximum budget  for projects with one, two, or three faculty members, respectively.

To support  faculty in the humanities, arts, and social sciences who conduct collaborative research or creative projects with qualified Washington College students during the summer. 

April 1 (priority deadline); Applications accepted through May 15, pending funding

SS/HFA Committee Chaired by Dean of Achievement
Course Development: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion* $5,000, paid over two years (or course release)  To create or revise courses and develop pedagogy that promote understanding and meaningful engagement with different perspectives and/or make use of OER or UDL principles to address access and equity.

March 15

Cromwell Center for Teaching and Learning
Course Development: Civic Engagement and Ethics* $5,000, paid over two years (or course release)  To create or revise courses and develop pedagogy that integrate the study of ethics and/or civic engagement as a significant component of the learning objectives or course experiences. (Supported by the Holstein endowment)

March 15

Cromwell Center for Teaching and Learning
Course Development: Innovative Pedagogy Awards* $5,000, paid over two years (or course release)  To create or revise courses and develop pedagogy that build upon innovations in learning and teaching technologies, broadly conceived.

March 15

Cromwell Center for Teaching and Learning
Course Development: Interdisciplinarity* $5,000, paid over two years. (Instructor teams will split the stipend equally.) To create courses that examine important issues from multiple interdisciplinary perspectives

March 15

Cromwell Center for Teaching and Learning
Interdisciplinary Program Development Up to $3,000 Planning grants for revamp of existing interdisciplinary program (minor, concentration, or track) or the creation of a new interdisciplinary program

March 15

Cromwell Center for Teaching and Learning
Holstein Program in Ethics Funds $3,000 To enhance an existing course by the addition of material on ethics or to support the creation of a new course that has a substantial focus on ethics Contact Curator of Program Holstein Program in Ethics
CTL Discretionary Funds Based on Availability To support events/activities that reflect the mission of the CTL.  Ongoing Cromwell Center for Teaching and Learning
Cater Society Seminar Grant $2,500 To fund scholarly/creative work conducted with Cater Society Junior Fellows including research, conference presentation, or co-authorship. Click here for more information. Ongoing Cater Society of Junior Fellows

 *indicates grants that may not be used concurrently